Inter-American Leadership to Host Online Member Retention Conference
March 22, 2017 – Miami, Florida, United States – Libna Stevens/IAD
A special retention conference for all Seventh-day Adventist church pastors and leaders will be streamed live on Monday, Mar. 27, 2017. Led by the Inter-American Division (IAD) leadership, the event will seek to equip pastors and local church leaders on engaging members and newly baptized members in the mission of the church, organizers said.
“We need to ensure that there is a plan for retention currently running in our churches,” said Pastor Balvin Braham, assistant to the IAD president for evangelism. “More and more it appears that many individuals join the church lack understanding of biblical principles, church life and involvement, so we want our church leaders to help members to understand the relationship between baptism, church membership and the Kingdom.”
The online conference will be hosted from Minatitlán, México, with nearly 100 evangelists in attendance from throughout the IAD territory, who are currently involved in evangelism campaigns running throughout the Inter-Oceanic Mexican Union, or region.
The evangelism efforts this month are leading to Inter-America’s annual territory-wide baptismal efforts that will be carried live during a satellite event which will held on April 1.
The five-hour online retention conference will feature Dr. David Trim, director of archives, statistics, and research from the Adventist world church, Dr. Bertram Melbourne of Howard University School of Divinity, and IAD leaders.
To view IAD’s Retention Conference on Mar. 27, in Spanish, English and French from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Miami Time, visit
Questions related to the conference can be sent to by Mar. 26.
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